Wondering how and when to change your will? You’re not alone. Lots of people change their wills with the arrival of children and grandchildren or when their financial situation has changed. Depending on what sort of change you’re making, you should either add to your will or write a new one. Ruann Kruger of Pretoria based law firm, provides some guidance to help you decide which option is best for you and answers the most frequently asked questions about changing a will.
Some people make up their mind quickly and never change it, while others change their mind every time a bird chirps. It is just the same with a will. Some people draw up their will once during their life and never change it. While others change it constantly. Angry at your wife? She’s out of the will. Kids come to visit? They are back in the will.
And according to law you are allowed to change your will as many times as you want.
“Your last will and testament is the final decision on how your belongings will be divided after your passing,” says Ruann Kruger of Kruger & Co Incorporated, a law firm in Pretoria. “You can change it as many times as you wish, but it is a good idea to adjust it with every big life change.” When you get married or divorced, when a child is added to your family, when someone is terminally ill or dies, when the law changes or when your financial situation changes are all good times to adjust your will.
“If you do not intend to change you will or testament,” says Kruger. “Ensure that you and your loved ones are sure where you latest will can be located when you pass on.” He says that a will should be fully signed by the owner of the will as well as two witnesses on all pages for it to be considered legal and binding. “If you intend to add or remove an heir or beneficiaries,” he says. “Any previous will or testament should be recalled, and the latest will shall stand and be of force.”
For more information on drawing up a new will or changing an existing us, contact us now.